Translated Title: Antisemitic Continuities in Images
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Youth Cultural Antisemitism: Why Young People Are Receptive to Antisemitic Resentment in Gangsta Rap
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Educational work against anti-Semitism Basics, Methods & Exercises
Date: 2020
Translated Title: Anti-Semitism Prevention in Schools: Pedagogical concept, conditions for success and effects of educational events with Ben Salomo
Date: 2024
Holocaust-Darstellung in Schulbüchern Deutsche, österreichische und englische Lehrwerke im Vergleich
Translated Title: Depiction of the Holocaust in school textbooks German, Austrian and English textbooks in comparison
Date: 2017
Translated Title: Antisemitic fragments in the ideas of politics teachers
Date: 2023
Translated Title: How should education work against (Israel-related) anti-Semitism? Direct and indirect pedagogical approaches
Date: 2023
Translated Title: And are you Jewish?” – Experiences and perspectives of educational consultants with Jewish (family) biographies in educational work on anti-Semitism
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Anti-Semitism as a subject of politics lessons. An analysis critical of anti-Semitism
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Making strangers - anti-Semitism, racism and antigypsyism as topics of political education in the migration society
Date: 2023
Translated Title: “Specialization” of Jews and anti-Israelism. Forms of Israel-related anti-Semitism and consequences of their differentiation for political education
Date: 2023
Translated Title: Continuity and topicality of anti-Semitism
Date: 2023
Date: 2021
Date: 2021
Translated Title: Education against anti-Semitism: Tensions of Enlightenment
Date: 2020
Translated Title: Antisemitism in youth cultures: Manifestations and counter-strategies
Date: 2022
Translated Title: Antisemitism: Educational explorations
Date: 2022
Date: 2017