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The network of Spanish Jewries: in praise of connecting and sharing heritage


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This article presents the case study of the Network of Spanish Jewries (‘Red de Juderías de España’ – Caminos de Sefarad) and discusses the implications of networking between heritage sites linked through thematic routes. Although the impact on the performances of the different sites can hardly be measured, the value of the Spanish Jewries is attributed especially to its potential to redress regional imbalances in tourism activity (one of the main concerns for Spanish tourism) and to be packaged as a more integral, economically viable, and enticing experience than stand-alone heritage-based products. Evidence from the case study gives rise to more general considerations on the value of heritage networks for a more sustainable tourist activity, knowledge-sharing, and coordination in management. The article also looks beyond tourism impacts to regional cohesion and economic development opportunities that could be reaped from the extension of the network across national borders.



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Link to article (paywalled), The network of Spanish Jewries: in praise of connecting and sharing heritage

Bibliographic Information

Russo, Antonio Paolo, Romagosa, Francesc The network of Spanish Jewries: in praise of connecting and sharing heritage. Journal of Heritage Tourism. 2010: 141-156.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1080/17438730903576104