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Basques, Jews, and the Racialization of Spanish Identity

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Entre basques et juifs, comment l’identité espagnole s’est racialisée


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Racialized statements are central to the formation and dissemination of Basque nationalism. Jean-Frédéric Schaub, a specialist on modern Spain, unravels the genealogy leading to the invention and invocation of a supposedly pure Basque identity. This conception was built up over a long period of time, at the cost was an anti-Semitism – with roots stretching back to the sixteenth century – that was reinvigorated in the nineteenth century. The Basque case is one instance of the broader question of the place of racial issues in Spanish nationalism.



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Link to article, Basques, Jews, and the Racialization of Spanish Identity
Link to article, Basques, Jews, and the Racialization of Spanish Identity
PDF (via academia.edu), Basques, Jews, and the Racialization of Spanish Identity

Bibliographic Information

Schaub, Jean-Frédéric Basques, Jews, and the Racialization of Spanish Identity. Politika. 2018:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-spa32