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A Stormy Turn for the Better Jewish Studies in Russia


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After a long hiatus under Soviet rule, Jewish Studies in Russia has taken a
stormy turn for the better since Perestroika. Schools and institutions for
adult education have been established. Numerous publications, research
institutes, and information centres now address Jewish topics. The emphasis
is on ethnographic field work and history, especially with regard to
the 20th century. But Russian academia still refuses to recognise Jewish
Studies as an independent field of study. A decline in private donations
has hit Jewish Studies in Russia particularly hard. And to this day, official
schoolbooks remain silent about Russia’s Jewish heritage.



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Link to article including link to pdf, A Stormy Turn for the Better Jewish Studies in Russia

Bibliographic Information

El’iashevich, Dimitrii, Mel’tsin, Maksim A Stormy Turn for the Better Jewish Studies in Russia. Osteuropa. 2008: 255-270.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-rus93