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The impact of the holocaust on the second generation: Norwegian Jewish holocaust survivors and their children


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The entire population of Norwegian-born Jews who survived the German concentration camps and their children was examined, and compared to Norwegian-bom Jews who escaped to Sweden, and their children. An attempt is made to look for the symptoms described as a “second generation syndrome” by several authors. The present findings do not support the presence of serious psychopathology among the children of Norwegian-bom Jewish survivors as a group, but indicate a certain degree of psychological vulnerability among these children. As adults, they are more often engaged in health/social care professions and organizations and also show signs of greater assimilation to their non-Jewish surroundings than the comparison group.



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The impact of the holocaust on the second generation: Norwegian Jewish holocaust survivors and their children

Bibliographic Information

Major, Ellinor F. The impact of the holocaust on the second generation: Norwegian Jewish holocaust survivors and their children. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 1996: 441–454.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-nor4