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The Jewish Journal of Sociology Volume 16 Number 2

Publication Name

Publication Date


On Morris Ginsberg by Julius Gould 123
A Sample Survey on Jewish Education in London, 1972-73 by
S. J. Prais 133
Intermarriage and Communal Survival in a London
Suburb by Gerald Cromer 155
The Reception of Political Zionism in England: Patterns
of Alignment among the Clergy and Rabbinate, 1895-
1904 by Stuart A. Cohen 171
Trends in Israeli Public Opinion on Issues Related to the
Arab-Israeli Conflict by Abel Jacob 187
New Evidence on Basic Issues in the Demography of
Soviet Jews U. O. Schmelz 209
Theory and Practice: Ethnomethodology versus Humane
Ethnography (Review Article) Howard Brotz 225
Book Reviews 237
Chronicle 248
Books Received 253
Notes on Contributors 255


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Original Language



Bibliographic Information

The Jewish Journal of Sociology Volume 16 Number 2. The Jewish Journal of Sociology. 1974:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-jjs65