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The Jewish Journal of Sociology Volume 16 Number 1

Publication Name

Publication Date


North African Jews in Belleville by Claude Tapia 5
American Jewish Community Institutions in their Historical
Context by Kenneth D. Rosenian 25
Native Jewry and the Religious Anglicization of Immigrants
in London; 1870-1905 by Stephen Sharot 39
The Melbourne Jewish Community and the Middle East
War of 1973 by Ronald Taft and Geulah Solomon 57
The Preconceptions of Critical Theory (Review Article)
By Lewis S. Feuer 75
Race in the American Sociological Tradition: From Park
to Parsons (Review Article) by Michael Banton 85
Book Reviews 95
Chronicle 109
Books Received115
Notes on Contributors 117


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Bibliographic Information

The Jewish Journal of Sociology Volume 16 Number 1. The Jewish Journal of Sociology. 1974:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-jjs64