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Towards a Typology of Values: Application of the Facet Theory to the Study of French Jews


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10th International Facet Theory Conference. Integrating Theory Construction with Data Analysis, July 10-13, 2005. Rome, Italy

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Facet Theory is used to develop a typology of values based on an
empirical study of values among French Jews. Each of the analytic tools
used revealed a unique facet of the data, which together gave a rich picture
of both the study population and the concept of values. SSA revealed
a polar structure of six categories of values arranged around a central value.
Two axes are identified, one political, one social. POSAC identified four
basic profile types of French Jews which are then re-introduced into the
SSA map. The resulting typology may be verified among other populations.




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Bibliographic Information

Cohen, Erik H. Towards a Typology of Values: Application of the Facet Theory to the Study of French Jews. Facet Theory: Design, Analysis and Applications. 2005: 263-273.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-fra23