Ordinary Poles Look at the Jews
This article constitutes a meta-analysis of sociological surveys conducted between 1967 and 2010 on the attitudes of Poles towards Jews. This analysis covers factual knowledge about Jews, like/dislike feelings, social distance, cognitive schema, and views regarding Polish–Jewish history. The results reflect a general nonacceptance of strangers as well as a specific type of anti-Semitism with strong roots in and encompassing a broad spectrum of Polish society. In this respect, Poland and some of the other Central Eastern European countries are much alike and distinguish themselves negatively in comparison to Western Europe. Nevertheless, in the last decade a positive shift in Polish attitudes towards Jews has been manifesting itself: feelings of closeness are increasing while disapproving cognitive schemes are decreasing. Further changes depend upon the reconstruction of Polish national identity as well as on the public debates delving into Polish–Jewish relations past and present.
Antisemitism Attitudes to Israel Jewish - Non - Jewish Relations Main Topic: Antisemitism Surveys Antisemitism: Attitude Surveys
Link to article (paywalled), Ordinary Poles Look at the Jews
Ordinary Poles Look at the Jews. 2011: 425-444. https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1177%2F0888325411415402