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Об отношении к евреям в современной России

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On the attitude towards Jews in modern Russia


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Focus group discussions with Russian, Moslem and Jewish respondents in several cities of RF. All three categories deny any manifestations of anti-Semitism which they understand as direct aggression against Jews.The current rules of behaviour protect Jews from this active anti-Semitism.Some Jews explain this by loyalty of Russians to their President who demonstrates friendly attitude to Jews. Among themselves non – Jewish majority often exchange anti-semitic jokes and curses. This passive anti-Semitism is not directed against Jews, it serves internal relations among Russians and Moslems presenting the norms and ways that are considered as improper among them and are labeled as ‘Jewish’ Jewish observers warn that if – and as soon as – the atttude towards Jews ‘on the top’ changes
for bad the passive anti-Semitism transforms (back) into active so typical for Russian tradition.



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Bibliographic Information

Левинсон, Алексей Об отношении к евреям в современной России. Вестник Общественного Мнения. 2018: 110-122.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-692