Monitor antisemitische incidenten Nederland 2022
Translated Title
Monitor of antisemitic incidents in the Netherlands 2022
Publication Date
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De Monitor Antisemitische Incidenten van CIDI registreerde in 2022 in totaal 155 antisemitische incidenten. Dat is een daling van 15 procent ten opzichte van 2021 (183 incidenten), maar meer dan in het coronajaar 2020, toen in totaal 135 antisemitische incidenten werden geregistreerd. Incidenten op sociale media zijn in deze cijfers niet meegerekend.
Translated Abstract
In 2022, CIDI recorded a total of 155 anti-Semitic incidents, showing a 15 percent decrease compared to 2021 (183
incidents), but still higher than the number reported in the pandemic year of 2020, which saw a total of 135 antiSemitic incidents.
incidents), but still higher than the number reported in the pandemic year of 2020, which saw a total of 135 antiSemitic incidents.
Geographic Coverage
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Original Language
CIDI is the address to report any case of Antisemitism in the Netherlands.Contact CIDI by phone of email if you have experienced any case of antisemitisme in the Netherlands. We will discuss the issue with you and advise about possible (and desirable) next steps to be taken. CIDI: