Nienawiść na łódzkich murach. Antysemityzm i homofobia
Translated Title
Hate speech on Lodz walls – anti- Semitism and homophobia
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Tekst poświęcony jest opisaniu zjawiska łódzkiej moralnej mowy nienawiści, szczególnie jej aspektu antysemickiego i homofobicznego. Łódź zdaje się być podzielona na sektory należące do dwóch klubów i ich zwolenników. Malują oni komunikaty nawołujące do nienawiści na niemal wszystkich ulicach i budynkach miasta, będące wyrazem walki o podbicie nowych lub utrzymanie wczesnej podbitych terytoriów. Większość tych napisów i malunków posługuje się wizerunkiem uniwersalnego i odwiecznego wroga - zwolennika przeciwnego klubu. Jest on zazwyczaj portretowany jako Żyd, gej lub kurwa czy transwestyta. W tekście tym staram się - miedzy innymi na podstawie analizy fotografii - sklasyfikować owe postacie wroga oraz poddać analizie źródła tego zjawiska. Antysemityzm i homofobia młodych łódzkich kibiców przypominają niepokojąco dyskurs rasistowski, faszystowski i rasistowski.
Translated Abstract
Text focuses on phenomenon of hate speech on Lodz walls - especially its anti-Semitic and homophobic face. Lodz seems to be divided into two sectors, ruled and owned by two opposite football clubs and much bigger
and more influent two opposing groups of their supporters. They paint and spray hate - speech communicates on all walls of all streets and buildings, in fight to conquer new areas or - at least - to defend recently conquered streets. The majority of those communicates are full of hatred, and use the figure of universal enemy - opposite football club. This enemy is portrayed as a Jew, a gay or a whore. Article tries to classify those communicates - i. e. using photographs - and to diagnose the roots of anti-Semitism and homophobia of mural hate speech, especially the
process of replacing ‘old enemy” - a Jew by a new one - a gay, a lesbian, a transvestite. Those new enemies are described by old categories of Nazi, racist and fascist discourse.
and more influent two opposing groups of their supporters. They paint and spray hate - speech communicates on all walls of all streets and buildings, in fight to conquer new areas or - at least - to defend recently conquered streets. The majority of those communicates are full of hatred, and use the figure of universal enemy - opposite football club. This enemy is portrayed as a Jew, a gay or a whore. Article tries to classify those communicates - i. e. using photographs - and to diagnose the roots of anti-Semitism and homophobia of mural hate speech, especially the
process of replacing ‘old enemy” - a Jew by a new one - a gay, a lesbian, a transvestite. Those new enemies are described by old categories of Nazi, racist and fascist discourse.
Geographic Coverage
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Page Number / Article Number
Bibliographic Information
Nienawiść na łódzkich murach. Antysemityzm i homofobia. 2008: 257-276.