Bulgarian antisemitism in the 21st century
This article examines the conceptual elements of antisemitism in Bulgaria today as well as the ways in which these concepts are communicated linguistically and visually. It seeks to provide an insight into different aspects of antisemitism – from direct manifestations to attempts at rewriting or distorting the history of Bulgaria’s Jewry. The IHRA definition is used for the identification of antisemitic manifestations, from classical stereotypes (power, greed, etc.) to more contemporary attributions (Israel-related antisemitism such as instrumentalisation of the Holocaust, Nazi analogy, denial of Israel’s right to exist).
Link to article (paywalled), Bulgarian antisemitism in the 21st century
Bulgarian antisemitism in the 21st century. 2023: https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1080/13537121.2023.2162266