Еврейские Ценности И Самоидентификация У Еврейской Молодежи В Москве
Jewish values and identity among Jewish young people in Moscow
The article is dedicated to the Jewish youth of Moscow. It is based on results of a survey conducted during 2011–2012 and their comparison with data of analogical research carried out in 2010–2011. The author stresses that Jewish self-identification among Jewish young people who actively participate in Jewish programs for the first year, exists. It has been impacted by their participation in Jewish enterprises and Jewish life, family archive and celebrating Jewish holydays. The self-identification of respondents who took part in the “Taglit” program has been also supported by their trip to Israel. The “newcomers” are also interested in lectures and seminars on Jewish history, culture and traditions whereas those, who participated in these programs for several years, are more interested in unusual actions and enterprises.
Link to pdf of entire book, Семья, Родственники, Друзья И Их Роль В Формировании Еврейской Самоидентификации В Современной России
Еврейские Ценности И Самоидентификация У Еврейской Молодежи В Москве. . 2012: 453-468. https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-2259