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Jews in Contemporary Russia: Assimilation and Dissimilation


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Throughout its centuries-long history in Russia, the Jewish minority knew oppression, pogroms and genocide, as well as inclusion and tolerance demonstrated by the Russian majority. The Jewry responded with escape (Palestine/Israel, the U.S. or elsewhere) or assimilation in the course of which those who remained in the Soviet Union abandoned their faith, language, traditions and ways of life. They tried hard to look and behave like standard Soviet Russians with a slight tint of "Jewishness," which helped them be very successful in chosen professions, science and art. During the last 20 years, those of the Jews (their number is small) who decided to stay have been enjoying unprecedented tolerance demonstrated by the authorities and common Russians. In this atmosphere, the dissimilation trends (back to Judaism and tradition) have flourished alongside with continued assimilation and emigration.



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Bibliographic Information

Levinson, Alexey Jews in Contemporary Russia: Assimilation and Dissimilation. Social Sciences. 2020: 46-67.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.21557/SSC.60231516