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Identity à la Carte: Research on Jewish identities, participation and affiliation in five Eastern European countries


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This report describes the process and results of a research study on Jewish identity and community participation in Central and Eastern Europe. In particular, it identifies trends among Jewish adults in Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania. This two-year and wide-reaching study, examined views on religious observance, Jewish identity, anti-Semitism, Israel, Jewish knowledge, and organizational affiliation among 1,270 Jews, ages 18-60.



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Bibliographic Information

Kovács, András, Ildiko, Barna, DellaPergola, Sergio, Kosmin, Barry Identity à la Carte: Research on Jewish identities, participation and affiliation in five Eastern European countries. JDC International Centre for Community Development. 2011:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-eur103