Judarna i Sverige – en minoritets historia. Fyra föreläsningar
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Judarna i Sverige – en minoritets historia
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Ur inledningen:
Judarna i Sverige – en minoritets historia var rubriken på en föreläsningsserie som arrangerades höstterminen 2009 vid Uppsala universitet. Ansvarig för serien var det nuvarande Hugo-Valentin-centrum, en sammanslagning av det tidigare självständiga Programmet för studier kring Förintelsen och folkmord med Centrum för multietnisk forskning. Serien genomfördes i samarbete med Forum för Advanced Studies in Arts, Languages and Theology. Föreläsningarna var öppna för allmänheten och inträdet fritt. Ordförande för serien var professor emeritus Helmut Müssener.
Vid sidan av Hugo Valentins monografi Judarnas historia i Sverige från 1924 har det länge varit tunnsått med akademiska studier kring gruppens historia. På senare år har dock en rad vetenskapliga arbeten publicerats och forskningsprojekt påbörjats. 2008 bildades även ett tvärvetenskapligt nationellt nätverk med samma namn som föreläsningsserien: Judarna i Sverige – en minoritets historia.
I sammanlagt fem föreläsningar belyste serien olika aspekter av de svenska judarnas historia under drygt 200 år fram till våra dagar och deras strategier för anpassning och integration samt deras ansträngningar för att bevara den egna kulturen. Föreläsningarna baserades till stor del på ny forskning, och föreläsarna – medlemmar i nätverket – är knutna till olika universitet och högskolor i landet och är specialister på sitt område. Fyra av dessa föreläsningar publiceras nu i denna volym. Den femte föreläsningen med rubriken Ett försök till en svensk-judisk historiografi, som hölls av Lars M Andersson, universitetslektor vid Uppsala universitet, har tyvärr fått utgå på grund av föreläsarens alltför stora arbetsbörda. I denna föreläsning redogjorde Andersson mycket ingående och detaljerat för den tämligen omfattande svensk-judiska historiografin.
Den svensk-judiska befolkningsgruppens historia kan räknas tillbaka till 1770-talet, då de första judarna fick lov att permanent bosätta sig i Sverige utan att behöva överge sin religion. Gruppen utgör av många skäl ett idealiskt objekt för studier om exempelvis minoriteter, integration och diskriminering.
Translated Abstract
The Jews in Sweden - a minority history was the title of a lecture series organized by autumn 2009 at Uppsala University. Responsible for the series was the current Hugo Valentin Centre , a merger of the previously independent program of studies, Holocaust and Genocide with the Centre for Multiethnic Research . The series was carried out in collaboration with the Forum for Advanced Studies in Arts , Languages and Theology. The lectures were open to the public and admission free . Chairman of the series was Emeritus Professor Helmut Müssener .
Alongside Hugo Valentin's monograph history of the Jews in Sweden in 1924 , it has long been thin on academic studies about the group's history. In recent years, however, a number of scientific papers published and research projects underway. 2008 was also formed a multidisciplinary national network with the same name as the lecture series : The Jews in Sweden - a minority history.
In a total of five lectures highlighted Series various aspects of the Swedish Jewish history for over 200 years until the present day and their strategies for adaptation and integration, and their efforts to preserve their own culture. The lectures were based largely on new research , and lecturers - members of the network - are linked to different universities and colleges in the country and are specialists in their field. Four of these lectures are now published in this volume . The fifth lecture entitled An attempt at a Swedish - jew historiography , held by Lars M Andersson , senior lecturer at Uppsala University, has unfortunately been deleted because of the teachers' excessive workload. In this lecture gave Andersson much depth and detail of the rather extensive Swedish - Jewish historiography .
The Swedish - Jewish community's history can be counted back to the 1770s , when the first Jews were allowed to permanently settle in Sweden without having to abandon their religion. The group is for many reasons an ideal object for study , for example minorities , integration and discrimination.
Alongside Hugo Valentin's monograph history of the Jews in Sweden in 1924 , it has long been thin on academic studies about the group's history. In recent years, however, a number of scientific papers published and research projects underway. 2008 was also formed a multidisciplinary national network with the same name as the lecture series : The Jews in Sweden - a minority history.
In a total of five lectures highlighted Series various aspects of the Swedish Jewish history for over 200 years until the present day and their strategies for adaptation and integration, and their efforts to preserve their own culture. The lectures were based largely on new research , and lecturers - members of the network - are linked to different universities and colleges in the country and are specialists in their field. Four of these lectures are now published in this volume . The fifth lecture entitled An attempt at a Swedish - jew historiography , held by Lars M Andersson , senior lecturer at Uppsala University, has unfortunately been deleted because of the teachers' excessive workload. In this lecture gave Andersson much depth and detail of the rather extensive Swedish - Jewish historiography .
The Swedish - Jewish community's history can be counted back to the 1770s , when the first Jews were allowed to permanently settle in Sweden without having to abandon their religion. The group is for many reasons an ideal object for study , for example minorities , integration and discrimination.
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Judarna i Sverige – en minoritets historia. Fyra föreläsningar. . 2011: https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-swe7