Los judíos españoles, hoy
Translated Title
The Spanish Jews today
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Las entidades confesionales no católicas disponen de una variadísima tipología porque la Constitución realiza un aseguramiento muy amplio de las libertades, incluidas las religiosas. Se trata todavía de grupos con escasa proyección social, entre los que resaltan los cristiano-evangelistas y bautistas; pero también proliferan confesiones muy minoritarias y con escasa implantación, y es prolífica la representación de designaciones extranjeras. En su reparto territorial despuntará la costa levantina y la mitad sur, junto con la capital del Estado. Por provincias la mayor presencia corresponderá a las más pobladas o turísticas. Judío y judaísmo son dos conceptos equivalentes, si bien no hay coincidencia entre el conjunto de practicantes y la Comunidad judía implantada en España. El presente trabajo aborda el estudio genérico de ambos aspectos, pero se centra en dos puntos: evolución numérica y situación de la Comunidad judía practicante. El apoyo se encuentra en una base bibliográfica y otra documental. La segunda es la esencial y se centra en los Registros de Asociaciones y Entidades Confesionales no Católicas (1973 y 1997) del Ministerio de Justicia, así como en la legislación existente. Por último se pretende no sólo analizar espacialmente sino comparar con situaciones correspondientes a otras entidades.
Translated Abstract
Non Catholic Confessional Entities constitute a varied typology due to the Spanish laws safeguard all kind
of liberties, even religious freedom. They are groups that still have a little hold on the society. The most
important ones are the Evangelical and the Baptist churchs, although minoritarian groups proliferate all over the
country. Moreover, foreigner representations are numerous. In relation to their territorial distribution, besides the
capital (Madrid), Levante coast and the southern part of the country show up. Thickly populated and touristic
provinces present the biggest presence of these associations.
Jew and Judaism are two equivalent concepts, although there is no coincidence between the practising
group and the Jewish Community introduced in Spain. This essay approachs to the general study of both
aspects, but it is centred on two topics: the situation of the practising Jewish Community and its numerical
evolution. The research is based on bibliographical and documentary sources. The second one is essential, and it is centred on the records of Associations and Non Catholic Confessional Entities (1973 and 1977) from the
Justice Ministry, and on the present legislation. The aim of this essay is not only a spacial analysis, but also to
carry out a comparison with other entities and their situation
of liberties, even religious freedom. They are groups that still have a little hold on the society. The most
important ones are the Evangelical and the Baptist churchs, although minoritarian groups proliferate all over the
country. Moreover, foreigner representations are numerous. In relation to their territorial distribution, besides the
capital (Madrid), Levante coast and the southern part of the country show up. Thickly populated and touristic
provinces present the biggest presence of these associations.
Jew and Judaism are two equivalent concepts, although there is no coincidence between the practising
group and the Jewish Community introduced in Spain. This essay approachs to the general study of both
aspects, but it is centred on two topics: the situation of the practising Jewish Community and its numerical
evolution. The research is based on bibliographical and documentary sources. The second one is essential, and it is centred on the records of Associations and Non Catholic Confessional Entities (1973 and 1977) from the
Justice Ministry, and on the present legislation. The aim of this essay is not only a spacial analysis, but also to
carry out a comparison with other entities and their situation
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