Nalézání a vynalézání sebe v příběhu: O narativní konstrukci židovských identit
Translated Title
Finding and inventing of the self in a story: On narrative construction of Jewish identities
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This article develops the idea of narrative construction of identities and, on the basis of analysis of two life stories coming from Hungary and the Czech Republic, inquires how specific forms of Jewish identities are constructed in autobiographical narratives. The process of identity construction is discussed in the context of modern experiences of facticity, ambivalence and multiplicity of identity forms. It is argued that narratives play a crucial role in the construction of self-identities: by means of a particular story with typical narrative structure, the integration of several subject positions, events and experiences can be achieved. Life stories are finally interpreted as narrative representations, which construct self-identity in its historicity and explain identity in the process of becoming. In both of the analyzed life stories (the story of refusal and reconciliation and the story of searching and finding), the meaning of Jewishness is transformed in reference to the Holocaust.
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Bibliographic Information
Nalézání a vynalézání sebe v příběhu: O narativní konstrukci židovských identit. 2002: