Teach Your Children When They Are Young: Contemporary Jewish Education in the United States, CMJS Research Report 8
Alice Goldstein
Sylvia Barack Fishman
Sylvia Barack Fishman
Publication Date
Maurice & Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies (CMJS)
The report focuses on levels of formal and infomal Jewish education among American Jewish children. It related the amont of formal and informal Jewish education which the Jewish children receive to the denomination of the homes in which they are being raised, the religious composition of the household, the level of ritual practice in the home, and the Jewish education of their parents. (See related 1241)
Geographic Coverage
United States
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Bibliographic Information
Teach Your Children When They Are Young: Contemporary Jewish Education in the United States, CMJS Research Report 8. 1993: https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-bjpa220
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