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"Just Exotic Enough:" Swedish Chamber Klezmer as Postnational World Music and Mid-East Proxy


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Here I examine the music and discourse of two Swedish non-Jewish chamber klezmer bands, and their strategies for claiming klezmer and distancing it from Jews. One band claims that klezmer, having always been subject to travel and outside influence, was never really Jewish. Te other suggests that klezmer was inherited by European non-Jews afer the Holocaust. Both arguments are predicated on the Herderian nationalist denial of cultural ownership to landless peoples. I argue that these claims are ultimately about allowing Swedes to mitigate their anxieties concerning Middle-Eastern immigration, by granting them possession of a safely domesticated form of Easternness.



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Link to article in JSTOR, "Just Exotic Enough:" Swedish Chamber Klezmer as Postnational World Music and Mid-East Proxy
Link to download in university repository, "Just Exotic Enough:" Swedish Chamber Klezmer as Postnational World Music and Mid-East Proxy
PDF (via academia.edu), "Just Exotic Enough:" Swedish Chamber Klezmer as Postnational World Music and Mid-East Proxy

Bibliographic Information

Kaminsky, David "Just Exotic Enough:" Swedish Chamber Klezmer as Postnational World Music and Mid-East Proxy. Ethnomusicology. 2014: 254-277.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.5406/ethnomusicology.58.2.0254