Bearing Witness Over Time: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Aging in Survivors of the Holocaust in Belarus
Publication Date
This paper is a report of in-depth research interviews with Belarusian Holocaust survivors still residing in Belarus sixty years following the end of World War II on Belarusian soil, or the war that Belarusians call “The Great Patriotic War”. Forty-six subjects were interviewed for the project and eleven of these also took a Russian translated version of the Impact of Events Scale (IES-R), an objective measure of posttraumatic stress responses, which has been used the world over in posttraumatic stress research (Weiss & Marmar, 1995; Tarabrina, et al, 1993).
Main Topic: Holocaust and Memorial Holocaust Survivors Oral History and Biography Psychology/Psychiatry Trauma
Geographic Coverage
Research paper presented at the Conference “Camp of Trostinetz and Problems of Genocide during the Second World War”, Belarusian State University, April 25, 2002. Minsk, Belarus
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Bibliographic Information
Bearing Witness Over Time: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Aging in Survivors of the Holocaust in Belarus. 2002: