Perpetrator Narratives and Antisemitism in Spain, 2024
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Exclusionary attitudes towards out-groups are often justified by historical narratives of conflict. A large body of literature explores how making in-group victimhood narratives salient can affect attitudes towards out-groups. Much less, however, has been done to study how in-group perpetrator narratives may reduce or exacerbate animosity towards a (historically victimized) out-group. This dataset helps to fill this gap by studying antisemitism in Spain. It measures antisemitism and attitudes towards Israel, while also including a survey experiment that randomly assigns respondents into one of three treatment arms related to historical perpetratorhood and out-group victimization. Results from these data have been used in a working paper written by the dataset creators: ‘Do in-group perpetrator narratives reduce out-group animosity? Experimental evidence exploring antisemitism in Spain,’ which documents how historical narratives affect attitudes towards outgroups in Spain.
Surveys Antisemitism: Attitude Surveys Attitudes to Israel Attitudes to Jews Conflict Main Topic: Antisemitism
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Bibliographic Information
Perpetrator Narratives and Antisemitism in Spain, 2024. . 2024: