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Perpetrator Narratives and Antisemitism in Spain, 2024


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Exclusionary attitudes towards out-groups are often justified by historical narratives of conflict. A large body of literature explores how making in-group victimhood narratives salient can affect attitudes towards out-groups. Much less, however, has been done to study how in-group perpetrator narratives may reduce or exacerbate animosity towards a (historically victimized) out-group. This dataset helps to fill this gap by studying antisemitism in Spain. It measures antisemitism and attitudes towards Israel, while also including a survey experiment that randomly assigns respondents into one of three treatment arms related to historical perpetratorhood and out-group victimization. Results from these data have been used in a working paper written by the dataset creators: ‘Do in-group perpetrator narratives reduce out-group animosity? Experimental evidence exploring antisemitism in Spain,’ which documents how historical narratives affect attitudes towards outgroups in Spain.



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Download can be found on page, Perpetrator Narratives and Antisemitism in Spain, 2024

Bibliographic Information

Balcells, Laia, Dinas, Elias, vanderWilden, Ethan Perpetrator Narratives and Antisemitism in Spain, 2024. UK Data Service. 2024:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.5255/UKDA-SN-857530