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Germany's Approach to Countering Antisemitism since Reunification


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Since reunification in 1990, the German government has taken numerous steps to counter antisemitism and improve its relations with the Jewish community more broadly. Its approach has consisted primarily of two parts: anti-radicalization legal measures and public diplomacy. In terms of legal measures, Germany has banned hate speech and incitement, adjusted immigration policy for Jews, and granted Judaism full legal status. In terms of public diplomacy, Germany has created a network of both governmental and non-governmental organizations to counter antisemitic attitudes within domestic society and to demonstrate progress abroad. This article examines these facets of the German approach, evaluates its success through an analysis of extremist group membership and survey data measuring antisemitic attitudes, and discusses some evolving challenges to which the approach must adapt.



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Link to article (paywalled), Germany's Approach to Countering Antisemitism since Reunification

Bibliographic Information

Just, Thomas Germany's Approach to Countering Antisemitism since Reunification. German Politics and Society. 2021:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.3167/gps.2021.390301