Rapport om antisemitiske hændelser i Danmark 2020
Report on antisemitic incidents in Denmark in 2020
Denne rapport beskriver og analyserer antallet af registrerede antisemitiske hændelser i Danmark i 2020. Rapporten er udarbejdet på grundlag af anmeldelser til AKVAH, der udgør en del af Det Jødiske Samfunds ikkerhedsorganisation. AKVAH har i 2020 registreret 23 antisemitiske hændelser i Danmark fordelt på følgende kategorier: 1) verbalt overfald, 2) Hærværk og anden chikane, 3) antisemitiske ytringer. Hændelserne fordeler sig på ét tilfælde af verbalt overfald, syv tilfælde af hærværk og anden chikane, samt 15 tilfælde af antisemitiske ytringer. Ud af de i alt 23 medtagne hændelser er der to der kan betegnes som blot værende potentielt antisemitisk, da de ikke kan endeligt verificeres. Generelt set er der sket et støt fald i antallet af hændelser ift tidligere år. Dette
kan både være grundet oplysningsarbejde, intens fokus på coronapandemien blandt den bredere befolkning hvilket også har medført begrænset social omgang, samt et ‘roligt’ år ift. Mellemøstkonflikten. Der ses dog ‘spidsperioder’ hvad angår antisemitiske hændelser i 2020. Disse binder sig i høj grad til jødiske helligdage, hvor højreradikale grupper, der som i tidligere år, igangsætter såkaldte ‘aktioner’mod jødiske mål, samt ved tiltagende debat vedrørende omskæring. Her observeres det at tonen der følger omskærelsesdebatten på nettet i mange tilfælde bliver skærpet.
Udover det positive fald i antallet af hændelser, ses det også som værende positivt at de ekstra grove hændelser såsom vold, trusler og diskrimination ikke har haft deres forekomst i 2020.
kan både være grundet oplysningsarbejde, intens fokus på coronapandemien blandt den bredere befolkning hvilket også har medført begrænset social omgang, samt et ‘roligt’ år ift. Mellemøstkonflikten. Der ses dog ‘spidsperioder’ hvad angår antisemitiske hændelser i 2020. Disse binder sig i høj grad til jødiske helligdage, hvor højreradikale grupper, der som i tidligere år, igangsætter såkaldte ‘aktioner’mod jødiske mål, samt ved tiltagende debat vedrørende omskæring. Her observeres det at tonen der følger omskærelsesdebatten på nettet i mange tilfælde bliver skærpet.
Udover det positive fald i antallet af hændelser, ses det også som værende positivt at de ekstra grove hændelser såsom vold, trusler og diskrimination ikke har haft deres forekomst i 2020.
This report describes and analyzes the number of registered anti-Semitic incidents in Denmark in 2020. The report has been prepared on the basis of reports to AKVAH, which forms part of the Jewish Community's security organization.
In 2020, AKVAH registered 23 anti-Semitic incidents in Denmark divided into the following categories: 1) verbal assault, 2) Vandalism and other harassment, 3) anti-Semitic statements. The incidents are divided into one case of verbal assault, seven cases of vandalism and other harassment, and 15 cases of anti-Semitic statements. Out of the total of 23 included incidents, there are two that can be described as just being potentially anti-Semitic as they cannot be definitively verified.
Generally speaking, there has been a steady decrease in the number of incidents compared to previous years. This
can both be due to information work, intense focus on the corona pandemic among the wider population, which has also led to limited social contact, as well as a 'quiet' year in relation to the Middle East conflict. However, there are 'peak periods' when it comes to anti-Semitic incidents in 2020. These largely tie to Jewish holidays,
where right-wing radical groups, as in previous years, initiate so-called 'actions' against Jewish targets, as well as in the growing debate regarding circumcision. Here it is observed that the tone that follows the circumcision debate on the Internet in many cases becomes sharpened.
In addition to the positive decrease in the number of incidents, it is also seen as being positive that the extra serious incidents such as violence, threats and discrimination have not had their occurrence in 2020.
In 2020, AKVAH registered 23 anti-Semitic incidents in Denmark divided into the following categories: 1) verbal assault, 2) Vandalism and other harassment, 3) anti-Semitic statements. The incidents are divided into one case of verbal assault, seven cases of vandalism and other harassment, and 15 cases of anti-Semitic statements. Out of the total of 23 included incidents, there are two that can be described as just being potentially anti-Semitic as they cannot be definitively verified.
Generally speaking, there has been a steady decrease in the number of incidents compared to previous years. This
can both be due to information work, intense focus on the corona pandemic among the wider population, which has also led to limited social contact, as well as a 'quiet' year in relation to the Middle East conflict. However, there are 'peak periods' when it comes to anti-Semitic incidents in 2020. These largely tie to Jewish holidays,
where right-wing radical groups, as in previous years, initiate so-called 'actions' against Jewish targets, as well as in the growing debate regarding circumcision. Here it is observed that the tone that follows the circumcision debate on the Internet in many cases becomes sharpened.
In addition to the positive decrease in the number of incidents, it is also seen as being positive that the extra serious incidents such as violence, threats and discrimination have not had their occurrence in 2020.
Link to article, AKVAH