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Die globalistische Elite gegen das Volk. Antisemitismus und rechtspopulistisches Elitenbild

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The Globalist Elite versus the People. Anti-Semitism and Right-Wing Populist Stereotype of the Elite


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In the social sciences, it is often argued that in right-wing populism anti-Semitism does not play an important role and that cultural racism has taken over its function. In contrast, this article aims to show that right-wing populism reproduces anti-Semitic patterns in a codified form. First, it will be shown that problematic definitions and explanatory approaches are widespread in social science discourse, which contribute to the fact that the anti-Semitic content of right-wing populism is barely perceived. Subsequently, by analyzing two case studies – an essay by AfD politician Alexander Gauland and a speech by Donald Trump – it is shown that right-wing populist discourses asserting a struggle between the people and the »globalist elite« reproduce anti-Semitic patterns even though »Jews« are not explicitly mentioned. Finally, it is argued that this phenomenon can be grasped with the concept of structural anti-Semitism. With this term, it can be made clear that right-wing populism indeed has an anti-Semitic potential and that the contents and functions of anti-Semitism and racism must be distinguished.



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Open Access. © 2022 bei den Autoren, publiziert von De Gruyter.
Dieses Werk ist lizensiert unter der Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz

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Link to article including link to pdf, Die globalistische Elite gegen das Volk. Antisemitismus und rechtspopulistisches Elitenbild

Bibliographic Information

Roepert, Leo Die globalistische Elite gegen das Volk. Antisemitismus und rechtspopulistisches Elitenbild. Aschkenas. 2022: 279-301.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1515/asch-2022-2019