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A Lesser Bigotry? The UK Conservative Evangelical Response to Stephen Sizer’s Antisemitism


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Jewish commentators frequently lament that antisemitism is seen as a “lesser bigotry” by those claiming to oppose racism. This article argues that the response of British conservative evangelical Christians to the antisemitic activity of Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer is a prime example of this phenomenon. The article starts by defining conservative evangelicalism in the British context and explaining Dr. Sizer’s position within it. It then describes his antisemitic conduct in detail. The article examines the disciplinary measures imposed upon Dr. Sizer by the Church of England, and it surveys the notoriety he earned in the UK media. The article then analyzes how Dr. Sizer’s fellow British conservative evangelicals responded to his antisemitic activity, comparing this with their responses to other forms ofracism. The article concludes by locating this episode within the context of other contem-porary responses to antisemitism.



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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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Link to article including link to pdf, A Lesser Bigotry? The UK Conservative Evangelical Response to Stephen Sizer’s Antisemitism

Bibliographic Information

Mendelsohn, James, Howard, Bernard Nicholas A Lesser Bigotry? The UK Conservative Evangelical Response to Stephen Sizer’s Antisemitism. Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism. 2021:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.26613/jca.4.1.72