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Zsidó indentitáskutatások a holokauszt után született generáció körében

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Jewish identity research among the post-Holocaust generation


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The Voice of the 20th Century Archive and Research Workshop (www.20szazadhangja.hu), established in the spring of 2009 at the Sociological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, aims to enrich the heritage of Hungarian social research, including research with qualitative methods. Our workshop collects, digitizes and makes publicly available interviews, documents, etc. offered by researchers. copies. The aim of the research workshop is to take stock of the “sounding” heritage of Hungarian sociology, to explore and document the history of Hungarian sociological workshops using qualitative methods, and to initiate new historical sociological research on the basis of the collected interviews. In our series, we present a collection that has already been processed and is available online with the undisguised goal of



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Bibliographic Information

Lénárt, András Zsidó indentitáskutatások a holokauszt után született generáció körében. Socio.hu. 2016: 149-161.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-1865