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Planning for the Future of European Jewry

Publication Date

January 1996



Jewish leaders, policy-makers, academics, researchers and communal leaders attended the historic three-day conference on 'Planning for the Future of European Jewry'. Over 200 delegates came from over 25 countries. Delegates from Eastern and Western Europe were joined by leading members of the American Jewish Committee and academics from the US and Israel. The conference was held from 2 to 5 July 2995 at the Hotel Forum in Prague. It was co-chaired by Professor Dominique Moisi from France and Lord Weidenfeld from the UK. The aims of the conference were to share existing ideas, proposals and policy options, and, to generate new ones, with the aim of providing those working for a viable Jewish future in Europe with the tools to achieve it, to develop a culture of strategic policy planning so that change can be managed as systematically as possible, to set up a dialogue between researchers and decision-makers with the aim of coordinating their work, to provide an opportunity to inform others about European Jewish problems. 




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Bibliographic Information

Planning for the Future of European Jewry. Institute of Jewish Affairs, American Jewish Committee. January 1996:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-eur2