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Author(s): Kranz, Dani
Editor(s): Hartman, Harriet
Date: 2024
Abstract: The anthropologist Robert H. Lowie (Towards understanding Germany. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1954) offers a historically informed ethnography of Jewish/non-Jewish relations in German speaking lands. Jewish families in Germany, Jews in families, and Jews and their families in post-1945 need to be seen in the context of these historically informed structures that shaped family histories: Interfamilial transmissions of identities and praxes that impacted on family, marriage, and partnership patterns. Issues of family structures including endogamy and exogamy cannot solely be explained by drawing on the religious (halachic) prohibition of exogamy, they need to be understood as a means of boundary management of a specific ethnic group (Rapaport, Jews and Germans after the holocaust. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997), to forestall assimilation (Kauders, Unmögliche Heimat. dtv, Munich, 2007), and within a specifically fraught context (Czollek, Desintegriert Euch! Hanser, Munich, 2018; Ginsburg, I’m a German Jew, and I’d Love to Be Normal, In HaAretz, May 19, 2020. Accessed May 19 2022, 2020; Kranz, Shades of Jewishness: the creation and maintenance of a Jewish community in post-Shoah Germany, University of St Andrews: St Andrews. Open Access: Last accessed 19 May 2022, 2018) that drives the creation of transnational family networks (Bodemann, A Jewish family in Germany today: an intimate portrait. Duke University Press, Durham, 2005)—and neither can proximity, intimacy and love across the ethnic – and religious – divide be phased out because a very significant number of Jews marry and partner up with non-Jews (Kauders, 2007; Kessler, Jüdische Migration aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion seit 1990. Beispiel Berlin. Magisterabschlußarbeit Sozialwissenschaften. Unpublished Master’s thesis, Fern-Universität Hagen, Hagen, 1996; Umfrage 2002: Mitgliederbefragung der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Berlin. Unpublished research report, 2002; Körber, Zäsur, Wandel oder Neubeginn: Russischsprachige Juden in Deutschland zwischen Recht, Repräsentation und Neubeginn. In: Körber K (ed) Russisch-jüdische Gegenwart in Deutschland, Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, Göttingen, pp 13–36, 2015; Osteuropa 69:83–92, 2019; Kranz, Notes on embodiment and narratives beyond words. In: Hoffmann B, Reuter U (ed) Translated memories, Rowman, Farnham, pp 347–369, 2020a; Landesbetrieb Information und Technik Nordrhein-Westfalen 2019; Rapaport 1997), and cross an ethno-sexual boundary (Bodemann, 2005; Nagel, Race, ethnicity, and sexuality: intimate intersections, forbidden frontiers. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003; Schaum, Being Jewish (and) in love. Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin, 2020; Schaum, Love will bring us together (again)? Nachwirkungen der Shoah in Liebesbeziehungen. In Chernivsky M, Lorenz F (eds) Weitergaben und Wirkungen der Shoah in Erziehungs- und Bildungsverhältnissen der Gegenwartsgesellschaft, Verlag BarbaraBudrich, Leverkusen, pp 159–174, 2022). This chapter offers a comprehensive overview of Jewish families, Jews and their families and Jews in families in Germany after 1945 by drawing on qualitative and quantitative data, and by way of contextualizing individual and collective Jewish praxes.
Date: 2023
Author(s): Kranz, Dani
Date: 2022
Author(s): Kranz, Dani
Date: 2021
Author(s): Kranz, Daniela
Date: 2009
Abstract: This PhD thesis focuses on the creation and maintenance of the liberal Jewish community in present day Cologne, Germany. The community has the telling name Gescher LaMassoret, which translates into „Bridge to Tradition.‟ The name gives away that this specific community, its individual members and its struggles cannot be understood without the socio-historic context of Germany and the Holocaust. Although this Jewish community is not a community of Holocaust survivors, the dichotomy Jewish-German takes various shapes within the community and surfaces in the narratives of the individual members. These narratives reflect the uniqueness of each individual in the community. While this is a truism, this individual uniqueness is a key element in Gescher LaMassoret, whose membership consists of people from various countries who have various native languages. Furthermore, the community comprises members of Jewish descent as well as Jews of conversion who are of German, non- Jewish parentage. Due to the aftermaths of the Holocaust and the fact that Gescher LaMassoret houses a vast internal diversity, the creation of this community which lacks any tradition happens through mixing and meshing the life-stories and other narratives of the members, which flow into the collective narrative of the community. On the surface, the narratives of the individual members seem in conflict, they even contradict each other, which means that the narrative of the community is in constant tension. However, under the dissimilarities on the surface of the individual narratives hide similarities in terms of shared values and attitudes, which allow for enough overlaps to create a community by way of braiding a collective narrative, which offers the members to experience a 'felt ethnicity.'
Author(s): Kranz, Dani
Date: 2016
Author(s): Kranz, Dani
Date: 2015
Abstract: Einwanderung, Erinnerungspolitik, Israel und die deutsche Geschichte sind Themen, über die in Deutschland regelmäßig diskutiert wird. Berlin, die Hauptstadt des neuen Deutschlands, ist hippe Metropole und Anziehungspunkt für Menschen aus allen Ländern. Was passiert, wenn das alles zusammenkommt, wenn eine Gruppe von Personen diese Themen alle auf einmal repräsentiert? Die Rede ist von den israelischen Einwanderern in Berlin. Im Herbst 2013 diagnostizierten israelische Medien eine neue Auswanderungswelle, die ihren Ausgangspunkt in den sozialen Protesten 2011 und den dabei kritisierten hohen Lebenshaltungskosten in Israel hatte. Daraufhin wurde in beiden Ländern ausführlich über das Phänomen berichtet, dass es viele junge Israelis ausgerechnet nach Berlin, also Deutschland, ziehe. In Israel wurde dies mit einer Mischung aus Besorgnis und Neugier betrachtet, während in Deutschland klar die Neugier überwog. Künstler verarbeiteten die Entwicklung in ihren Werken, wie die israelische Band Shmemel mit ihrem Song „Berlin“.

Trotz oder vielleicht gerade wegen der emotionalen Aufladung des Themas hat die Migration von Israelis nach Berlin fast schon Züge eines Mythos. Empirisch-wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse liegen bisher jedenfalls kaum vor, und die existierenden Studien sind nur schwer zugänglich. Diesem Mangel will dieser Bericht abhelfen und klären, wie viele Israelis es in Berlin überhaupt gibt und wer sie sind. Weiter sollen die Motive für den Umzug dorthin und der Umgang mit der eigenen Identität untersucht werden.