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The Jewish Journal of Sociology Volume 11 Number 1

Publication Name

Publication Date


The Appeal of Hasidism for American Jewry Today
By Efraim Shmueli 5
Jewish Populations in General Decennial Population
Censuses, 1955-61: a Bibliography by Erich Rosenthal 31
Mixed Marriage in an Israeli Town by Eric Cohen 41
A Note on Aspects of Social Life among the Jewish Kurds
of Sanandaj, Iran by Paul J. Magnarella 51
University Education among Iraqi-Born Jews by Hayyim J. Cohen 59
Australian Jewry in 1966 by Walter M. Lippmann 67
The Edgware Survey: Occupation and Social Class by
Ernest Krausz 75
Book Reviews .97
Chronicle 108
List of Books Received 113
Notes on Contributors 115


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Bibliographic Information

The Jewish Journal of Sociology Volume 11 Number 1. The Jewish Journal of Sociology. 1969:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-jjs54