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Twentysomething and Jewish: Personal Reflections on Jewish Identity


Stephanie Bash
Keith Chertok
Debra Nussbaum Cohen
Elise Eplan

Publication Date


American Jewish Committee (AJC)


This publication focuses on a generation whose voices are seldom heard in the Jewish community - the "twenty something" generation. It is a collection of personal essays, written by young people who share their frustrations and disappointments and their excitement and sense of fulfillment with Jewish life and the Jewish community. All are engaged in a twofold search: first, for meaningful ways of identifying as Jews, and second, for a sense of place - for community and roots.


American Jewish Committee. Susan and Jack Lapin Fund for Jewish Continuity

Geographic Coverage

United States

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Bibliographic Information

Twentysomething and Jewish: Personal Reflections on Jewish Identity. 1994:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-bjpa933
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