Exogamy in First Marriages and Remarriages: An Analysis of Mate Selection in First and Second Marriages Among American Jews in the 1990s, and its theoretical Implications
Egon Mayer
Barry A. Kosmin
Ariela Keysar
Nava Lerer
Barry A. Kosmin
Ariela Keysar
Nava Lerer
Publication Date
Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry (ASSJ)
The question of the factors accounting for the decision to marry exogamously in second marriages is address by an analysis of a sub sample of remarried Jews respondents drawn from the National Jewish Population Survey. While several background factors are found to predict a first intermarriage: sex, denominational family background, religious education, year of marriage and academic attainment, only two are significantly related to exogamic remarriage: academic attainment and year of marriage.
Geographic Coverage
United States
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Bibliographic Information
Exogamy in First Marriages and Remarriages: An Analysis of Mate Selection in First and Second Marriages Among American Jews in the 1990s, and its theoretical Implications. 1991: https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-bjpa2694
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