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Ensuring Jewish Continuity: Policy Changes and Implications for Jewish Communal Professionals


Steven Bayme

Publication Date


Jewish Communal Service Association of North America (JCSA)


In Journal of Jewish Communal Service 68/4 336-341.To ensure Jewish continuity, Jewish communal professionals must take up the challenge of formulating a value system within the Jewish community of the worth and desirability of leading a Jewish life. Such a value system must communicate what we are as Jews, what we stand for, and why we merit communal support, even if it is in conflict with American universalist norms. Professionals are challenged to develop strategies to discourage intermarriage, encourage conversion, and conduct outreach initiatives to mixed-marriage couples within the framework of that value system.

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Bibliographic Information

Ensuring Jewish Continuity: Policy Changes and Implications for Jewish Communal Professionals. 1992:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-bjpa2537
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