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Community Resilience: Lessons Derived from Gilo Under Fire


Michael Ganor
Yuli Ben-Lavy

Publication Name

Journal of Jewish Communal Service

Publication Date


Jewish Communal Service Association of North America (JCSA)


The Jerusalem Association, an umbrella organization for 28 public and non-partisan community councils and centers serving Jerusalem's 650,000 residents, helps address the needs of all sectors of the population, in times of both crisis and calm. The unique strength of each community council lies in its governing Board of Directors, mainly volunteers from the neighborhood, who determine priorities and set neighborhood policies in major aspects of life. The board is aided by the center's professional staff who put the policies into practice. This article describes a model for developing community resilience implemented by the community councils in times of crisis. In Journal of Jewish Communal Service, v.79 no.2-3, Winter-Spring 2002-2003.

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Bibliographic Information

Community Resilience: Lessons Derived from Gilo Under Fire. 2003:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-bjpa1223
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