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The Work and Recommendations of the Polish–Israeli Textbooks Committee


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In 1991 a cultural agreement was signed between Poland and Israel, one of whose resolutions was to establish national committees in both countries to examine history and geography textbooks and their treatment of the two nations, with the aim of rectifying mistakes that could lead to prejudices and distortions of the truth. Discusses the functioning of the committees between 1992-95. One prime area of concern dealt with by the scholars who examined the books was the indifference of the majority of Poles to the fate of the Jews in World War II. Topics suggested for inclusion in Polish history textbooks were the treatment of surviving Jews (e.g. the Kielce pogrom), the role of the Polish Catholic Church in spreading antisemitism, and continuing antisemitic stereotypes in a Poland largely without Jews. Members of the Polish committee raised questions about anti-Polish stereotypes in Israel (e.g. identifying Poles with Nazis) and faults in the program of Israeli student trips to Poland. The committees drafted recommendations for changes in the textbooks to further mutual understanding.



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Bibliographic Information

Eden, Shevach The Work and Recommendations of the Polish–Israeli Textbooks Committee. POLIN: Studies in Polish Jewry. 2001: 306-314.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-2328