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The Trends in anti-Semitism in the Czech Republic 2004-2014


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This paper aims to introduce the current trends in anti-Semitism in the Czech Republic in 2004-2014. This period maps the changes that appeared since the end of Second Palestinian intifada to the year 2014 which is the last year with available set of data of anti-Semitism in Czech society. The article shall examine whether there is a direct link between the contemporary important events in the Middle East and the changing number of anti-Semitic incidents in the Czech Republic. The attention shall also be given to the issue which groups of Czech society are mostly associated with anti-Semitism and what is their main motivation to participate in the anti-Semitic campaign.



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Link to article, The Trends in anti-Semitism in the Czech Republic 2004-2014

Bibliographic Information

Taterová, Eva, Urbaníková, Marcela The Trends in anti-Semitism in the Czech Republic 2004-2014. Journal of Education Culture and Society. 2016: 355-363.  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.15503/jecs20162.355.363