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A new exodus? Explaining Jewish migration from Europe after the Cold War


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Why are European Jews migrating to Israel in significant numbers? Israeli leaders and popular press reports suggest that incidents of antisemitism have reached such high levels across Europe, even in fully democratic countries, that Jews are leaving once again to escape persecution and violence. Others suggest that Jews are migrating for the same reasons other migrants do: for greater economic opportunity. Until now, we have had no way of weighing the relative merit of these claims, hampered by the absence of reliable comparative data on antisemitism in Europe. Leveraging a new dataset compiled by the author, this study tests these competing hypotheses and finds that European Jews migrate because of greater economic opportunity in Israel. While concerns about antisemitism in Europe are at record highs and more Jews are considering moving to Israel than ever before in the post-war era, so far most Jewish migration is to take advantage of better economic opportunities in Israel.



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Link to article (paywalled), A new exodus? Explaining Jewish migration from Europe after the Cold War

Bibliographic Information

Siegel, Scott N. A new exodus? Explaining Jewish migration from Europe after the Cold War. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies. 2018:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/10.1080/14725886.2018.1498154