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Author(s): Karady, Viktor
Date: 1993
Abstract: The study of antisemitism cannot follow clear out methodological principles since it comprises historically heterogeneous features and sociological layers of extreme diversity. This study focuses on major differences of Jewish-Gentile relations in Hungary before and after the Shoah, the communist take-over representing structural break in this matter. The Liberal period (till 1918) of modernization with the emergence of the nation state can be opposed to the authoritarian "Christian Course" of the Inter-War years leading to the short-lived but devastating fascist state. With the maintenance of measure of social and religious antisemitism in the first despite official policies of emancipation and equality and on the contrary with the preservation of the main civil rights protecting to some Jews till the German Occupation combined with government sponsored anti-Jewish drive both rested upon ambiguous foundations. The Communists integrated many Jews in the new power structure break through in local history) but imposed taboo on the Jewish past persecuted Zionism and implicity the Jewish spirit under bourgeois or cosmopolitan disguises. The 1956 Popular Front and its aftermaths brought about new kind of Jewish Gentile understanding in oppositional circles of the Regime, but also restored the position of Jewish members of the party machinery. In the postCommunist transition there are no economic arguments to revive Old Regime antisemitism but symbolic divisions are still operational and continue to disturb the democratic political game