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How Strong is Orthodox Judaism -- Really? The Demographics of Jewish Religious Identification


Daniel J. Elazar

Publication Name

Daniel Elazar On-line Library

Publication Date


Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA)


The author contends that as opposed to the popular image of a tiny embattled minority seeking to impose its will on the vast majority of world Jewry, Orthodox Judaism commands the allegiance of between 33 to 45 percent of all the Jews in the world and 50 to 70 percent of those who identify as religious in some way. Thus, he concludes that if the Orthodox claims are strong, it is not only because they control all of the religious establishment outside of the United States by law or weight of tradition, but this is also because they have the numerical strength to retain that control.

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Bibliographic Information

How Strong is Orthodox Judaism -- Really? The Demographics of Jewish Religious Identification. 1991:  https://archive.jpr.org.uk/object-bjpa2276
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